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Sunday 9 May 2010

My Post-election message to all my supporters.

May I firstly start off by thanking each and every one of the people who voted for me in the local election on Thursday.

I think the main problem in the campaign was that since a General Election was being held at the same time, people voted on national politics.

It is always difficult to fight the main parties and to pull in over 1,100 votes without any political backing was amazing. If I had my time over again I would have still fought on the same ticket, because I feel passionate about the place I live in and have lived in all my life.

Thank you for the many phone calls, emails, visits to my home and text messages sent to me since the result. Each and every one of them has meant a great deal to me. I will always remember these and the support you gave me.

The last four years have been an honour and a privilege. I've sometimes been a little controversial, sometimes outspoken but I have always put the people of Little Lever and Darcy Lever first.

So to the burning question “what happens next”? That is the question I was asked by the press yesterday and by my Family, Girlfriend, Friends and Residents. Firstly I will pick up my P45 from the Town Hall. Unlike MPs, who get a golden £60,000 payout if they lose or retire, Councillors are paid until the day the election result is announced.

It’s off to find a different kind of job, possibly something within a different local authority with the experience I have gained serving on Bolton Council. The rules prevent me for 12 months from applying for any job at Bolton Council after my coming out of office.

I intend to continue my campaign for the people of the ward I represented because at the moment there are too many issues outstanding.

I promised to help, irrespective of the result, resident’s fight the Greenbelt issue and the threat of a traveller’s site. I also promised to help with the Ground Rent issue on the Racecourse along with Pennine Pets and outstanding and ongoing casework.

Finally my door is always open to residents with issues, my mobile is still the same number and my email address will change to my private email which is .

Finally may I say congratulations to Cllr Maureen Connell on winning the seat for Little Lever and Darcy Lever as a Labour Councillor. I hope you don’t let the people down.

May I also say thank you to Rees and Alwynne for a clean campaign and Eric for nearly a clean campaign.

It has been an honour and a privilege representing Little Lever and Darcy Lever.

Sean Hornby

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