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Friday 16 April 2010

Village Centre - Takeaway ? No - Go away !

In terms of Village Centre decline, one of the biggest blows was the closing of the Village Butcher. Not just the loss of a long standing business but even less variety in the types of shops in the Centre.

Although interest was shown in the empty property by several businessmen eventually a planning application was submitted for it to become a Hot Food Take Away.

This raised all kinds of objections relating to increased litter, parking issues, another focus for disaffected youth and anti-social behaviour as well as competition with existing food outlets.

Several local business people organised a protest against the plans

Fortunately, when I was Chairman of the Planning Committee, I promoted a new Planning condition for this kind of application - that there could be no more than 2 Take Aways within a 75 metre area.

The application went to the full Planning Committee when I took the opportunity to speak at length against it.

The Planning Committee refused the application.

Job done.

Since then a Carpet and Flooring shop has opened up in the premises with a particularly attractive window display which enhances the look of the Centre.

Much better - and a different kind of shop.


Any comments -

Promoted by Paul Richardson 24 Ripon Close Little Lever BL3 1EQ on behalf of Sean Hornby 33 Williams St Little Lever BL3 1LQ.

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