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Thursday 15 April 2010

The Village Centre - The start of a long and difficult job

The first problem we identified was that the paved area of the Precinct Square together with the tarmac surrounds and footpaths as well as the shutters of the shops was FILTHY

With a grant from the Area Forum, the business group arranged for the whole thing to be jet washed including clearing out the slit drains which has stopped the lower end of the square from flooding. This took ten hours on a Sunday.

Give them something to respect and they'll respect it. Immediately after this the litter problem was significantly reduced.

Solving the other Precinct problems required a dialogue with the owners of the Precinct. All we've managed so far is a vague promise from the managing agents that they will do some maintenance work in 2010.

In terms of the whole Village Centre, a sum of £50,000 was available in 2009/2010 for Village Centre Improvements. By July the projects had already been identified and the bulk of the money was to be spent on block paving the 'Co-op' side of the street.

After representations to the Executive member, an amount of money was set aside for floral decoration, new metal litter bins and car park signing.

A seperate Blog on the block paving, but today we can see a new picture as we look at the Precinct Square.

Now we've got to get the walls repainted and decide what to do with the murals. More on that later.


Any Comments -

Promoted by Paul Richardson 24 Ripon Close Little Lever BL3 1EQ on behalf of Sean Hornby 35 Williams St Little Lever BL3 1LQ

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