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Sunday 2 May 2010

Support Growing

A big thank you to all who have kindly put posters in their windows to support me in the Local Council Elections this Thursday. I have been overwhelmed by the kind wishes, offers of help and comments about the campaign.

If you would still like to help or would like a poster for your window or just a chat then contact me on email or telephone me on my personal Mobile: 07969 687981

As you will know at times during election campaigns Political Party's can and do start mud slinging and making things up. I have not gone down that path, and don't intend to.

I would ask for your support on Thursday by voting for me as an Indepenedent Councillor to give me a mandate to represent the people of Little Lever and Darcy Lever for a further 4 years.

When I was elected I promised never to forget the people that elected me, and remember it is your views that I represent and not the Council's view.

In 2006 when you elected me as your Councillor my slogan was "Action not Words" I believe I have kept to that during my term in office, with over 2000 pieces of case work dealt with.

I promised you you wouldn't just see me at election time. Every month I have been on the precinct in Market Street Little Lever come rain or shine and listened to your concerns. This Iwill continue to do if re elected on Thursday.

As an Independent Councillor rather than attached to one of the Political Parties I will be able to fight harder for you, no political blockage, no having to ask is it ok to ask the question. I will truly represent you as I have always done - just with more force.

I still promise you "Action not Words" but as my statement says this year "People 1st"

Many thanks


Cllr Sean Hornby
Little Lever and Darcy Lever Ward

Promoted by Paul Richardson 24 Ripon Close Little Lever BL3 1EQ on behalf of Sean Hornby 35 Williams St Little Lever BL3 1LQ

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