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Wednesday 5 May 2010

Pennine Pets - Update

Since the fire resulting in the demolition of Pennine Pets, I have been concerned about the appalling condition that the land has been left in by the owner.

I have recently learned of the possibility that some of the waste material removed from the site was found to be contaminated with asbestos and furthermore there is a possibility that chemical contaminants have previously been tipped down the drains.

Consequently, I believe that the site and the movement of waste from it pose a health and safety risk to any of the children who play on and around the site and to residents in the surrounding area.

I have therefore persuaded Bolton Council to safely clear the site themselves and put a charge against the land in order to recover the cost of doing so.
The Council are at this moment seeking tenders for the safe removal of waste at this site


On the morning of Saturday 1st May I was made aware that once again the land owner was removing waste from the site to another site in Bradley Fold (Bury Ward) without the necessary waste transfer licence.

I immediately contacted a Senior Building Inspector from Bolton Council who attended the site later that morning and told the contractor to stop work straight away. He also alerted the Bury Authorities and the Environment Agency

“Residents have put up with the problem of this site for too long, time is now up and the Council are going to clear this privately owned site and re charge the owner of the land.”

Until the waste is removed in a safe and controlled manner from the site, it is strictly advised that children are kept well away from the dangers that may be present.

I have just circulated a leaflet containing the above information to all the residents in the vicinity of the Pennine Pets site.


Promoted by Paul Richardson 24 Ripon Close Little Lever BL3 1EQ on behalf of Sean Hornby 35 Williams St Little Lever BL3 1LQ

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