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Friday 9 April 2010

Little Lever Anti Social Behaviour - The CCTV System

In formulating the Little Lever Action Plan with covered 2006 - 2010 a survey was carried out with members of the public and traders.

The first session was held on 31st May 2006 during the afternoon in the Area Office. This was poorly attended. A subsequent event was held on 20th June 2006 in the foyer of the Somerfield's Store (now Tesco).

A questionnaire was given out to both traders and non traders. A total of 22 questionnaires were returned by traders with a further 38 returned by residents (60 returned in total).

The consultation exercise highlighted that the town centre trader and non trader priorities were the same with 100% of traders ranking reducing anti social behaviour as a high priority.

It was therefore agreed by all the Ward Councillors that District Centre Improvement Funds should be used for deployable CCTV cameras.

Executive Member approval was given in July 2007 and the £50,000 available in 2007 for Little Lever was used to purchase the cameras and associated recording equipment.

Since the system was installed there has been a large reduction in Anti -Social Behaviour in the areas it covers.

The cameras are able to be moved from the usual central location to any other area which from time to time is suffering from this problem.

Further to this we have just been able to purchase a large plasma screen to be used with the system which shows much more detail.

This one of the more successful and major initiatives I have been part of.


Any comments -

Promoted by Paul Richardson 24 Ripon Close Little Lever Bl3 1EQ on behalf of Sean Colin Hornby 35 Williams St Little Lever BL3 1LQ.

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