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Thursday 1 April 2010

Land between Ascot Road and the Canal - Latest

At the request of a concerned resident who had organised a petition against any proposal for a travellers site, I attended a meeting at the entrance to the site which she had organised where some seventy to eighty residents were gathered.

We discussed their fears and possible courses of action and likely outcomes.

Although I personally believe that it is unlikely that a planning application will be submitted, let alone approved, whilst this 'threat' hangs over the area, there remains a serious effect on house values and saleability.

For this reason, the matter has to be quickly settled.

I have taken receipt of the petition of over 500 signatories and will pass it to the Director of Development and Regeneration, Keith Davies, so he is well pre-warned of the groundswell of Public Opinion.

The residents propose to organise a Public Meeting in the coming weeks to consolidate their approach to this matter.

I, for one, will be there to support them as I assume our other Ward Councillors and prospective Candidates will be.


Any comments -

Promoted by Paul Richardson 24 Ripon Close Little Lever BL3 1EQ on behalf of Sean Colin Hornby 35 Williams St Little Lever BL3 1LQ.

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