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Friday 23 April 2010

Darcy Lever On My Mind. No 1. Housing Development on Radcliffe Road

All the Blogs so far have been primarily to do with Little Lever.

A considerable part of my attention has also been focused on Darcy Lever and I am pleased to have been able to help and sometimes resolve the concerns of Darcy Lever Residents.

The subject of this particular Blog is a 'Biggy' for Darcy Lever

On the 2nd December 2009, a Planning Application was received from Great Places Housing Group for the construction of 42 affordable dwellings on Greenfield Land off Radcliffe Road. Most of these would be rented with a few on shared ownership

This was opposite an existing new estate and raised many concerns for the residents there.

The proposals had already been notified to the residents and, when these were brought to my attention, I called the first of several Public Meetings on the subject which took place at the Farmers Arms in November.

I invited Officers from the Council, representatives of Great Places and the Architect who all attended.

I did point out that the other two Ward Councillors were unable to pass comment because they were members of the Planning Committee.

It was clear that the Residents didn't want the development at all.

I had to point out, as I had had to do many times before when on the Planning Committee and as Chairman of it, that when people bought their houses they were not, unfortunately, buying the views across the fields.

I also pointed out the distinction between Green Belt land (no housing) and Greenfield land (housing permitted.

There was of course much listening to and discussion of the residents concerns.

It was likely, in my view, that the development would be approved and I suggested that a better way forward would be to concentrate on changes to the proposals rather than just outright opposition

From my point of view there was likely to be a major issue with the entrance and exit of vehicles from the development onto an already busy Radcliffe Road.

Having looked at the plans I also had concerns over the proposed wooden cladding on the faces of the buildings. The best way I can describe it is akin to what they've stuck on the appalling building that has replaced the old Lido Cinema in Bolton.

Ok, I was on the Planning Committee when that was passed, but we were assured by the architects that it was 'the thing of the future' Trust me - - It isn't.

There was no way that this cladding should be allowed on this development.

The development as originally proposed, in its appearance, would have stuck out like a sore thumb. The bricks used need to be the same as those used on the existing estate across the road.

Another feature was the porch roofs. These would have been flat but have now been changed to pitched.

Anyway, the offshoot of all of this is that the development is to go ahead but with changes and many many conditions attached which address some, if not all, of the concerns of the residents across the road - let alone the Greater Crested Newts which inhabit the site.

Greater Crested Newt

Still to be sorted - The bridleway at the edge of what will be the new estate must be surfaced and illuminated because the new wall will obviously create a potential focus for anti-social behaviour.

There's much more detail I could provide. There has been a lot of work put into this by the Residents Association and I hope I was able to advise and help them to produce the best outcome that could be realistically achieved.


Promoted by Paul Richardson 24 Ripon Close Little Lever BL3 1EQ on behalf of Sean Hornby 35 Williams St Little Lever BL3 1LQ

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