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Monday 12 April 2010

Bowness Road - Improvements

At the bottom of Bowness Rd is a narrow entrance to a patch of what can best be described as scrubland which is accessed by a narrow passage and a dilapidated gate.

An aerial view of the area. Pull the map to the bottom of Bowness rd

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Following complaints from local residents about the state of the place and access being gained by off road bikes it was decided within the Area Forum to allocate funds for the cleaning up of the entrance, replacing the wooden fencing with metal and the installation of a new metal 'kissing' gate.

The decision has been made and work should be carried out shortly at a cost of some £1,300.

Improvements to the pathways in the area will also be considered out of 2010/2011 budgets. This had already been costed at £1,838 which shouldn't be a problem due to the extra £4,000 mentioned in the Lancaster Drive Blog.

Not a massive project but, I think, for the residents it will be a much welcomed improvement.


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Promoted by Paul Richardson 24 Ripon Close Little Lever BL3 1EQ on behalf of Sean Colin Hornby 35 Williams St Little Lever BL3 1LQ

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